Anti-bullying Information

Ocean Township School District has conscientiously implemented the requirements found in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR).

Our district annually establishes HIB programs, completes training on the BOE-approved HIB policy, and provides staff instruction and training programs; these training programs include curriculum and instruction on HIB and related information and skills. The district has also appointed HIB personnel, specifically: a District Anti-Bullying Coordinator, School Anti-Bullying Specialists and a School Safety Team. Additionally, the district has established reporting and investigation procedures. These efforts align with the 8 core elements comprised of 26 indicators, which are annually self-assessed by all school districts in the state of New Jersey. Each of the 26 indicators is scored on a scale of 0-3 as follows:

  • 0 = does not meet requirements
  • 1 = partially meets the requirements
  • 2 = meets all requirements
  • 3 = exceeds the requirements

These self-assessment results appear on our website. A score that meets all requirements across 26 indicators receives a score of 52. An absolute score that “exceeds” all requirements receives a score of 78.  More information about HIB requirements can be found by clicking the links provided below. As always, students, staff, parents and community members are welcome to contact district anti-bullying personnel to share their ideas and concerns.

Important Contacts

Anti-Bullying Coordinator

Lauren Eberenz
609-693-3131 X124

Anti-Bullying Specialist
(Frederic A. Priff Elementary School)

Daggi Ball
609-693-0360 X216

Anti-Bullying Specialist
(Waretown Elementary School)

Lauren Eberenz
609-693-3131 X124

NJDOE State School Climate Coordinator:

Frederic A. Priff School

139 Wells Mills Road
Waretown, New Jersey 08758


Waretown Elementary School

64 Railroad Avenue
Waretown, NJ 08758


Additional Resources